Monday, September 22, 2008

Task 2 Week 5

X-58% Remain Solidworks Model


Y-33% Remain Solidworks Model


Cactus Building Solidworks Model


42% X section - Zoom

62% Y Section - Rotate

Cactus Model Section - Pan

Task 2 Week 4

Ideas and concepts behind my X and Y Cactus Model

I went for two different styles and concepts for my X and Y extrusion of the Cactus Model. The core concept of my Exp 1 was about extreme explosion. And i have adapted that idea again both X and Y models.

In X% Model, I simulated the explosion ofExtreme Explosion are those explosions beyond our imagination such as Nuke or Planet Explosions. In Exp 1, i used multiple impacts to show extreme explosion. The blast of a explosive barrel in Gmod would trig multiple explosions around it with a smaller blast range. Again in Exp 2, i have used the concept of multiple impact and extreme explosion (planet explosion) to remove percentage part of the Cactus Building. Multiple impact demonstrated in Exp 1 which was a explosive barrel dropping from high altitude; explode inside a stack of plastic barrels and triggs another explosion above. In X%, this are shown by the huge epicentre located at the bottom of the Cactus Building when the explosion occurs. In order to show its extreme side, i have made the the epicentre hole and cavities similar to a planet explosion showing below.

I mainly used lofted cut for simulating holes and marks penetrated bythe blast. The loft cuts are cone shapeded as the blast photo show below.

For Y% Model, I used the flamable explosive barrels of Gmod as the key concept of extrusion in the Cactus Model. It is a quite different approach comparing to the X% because all the loft cuts are curving inside the building instead of straight cone shaped in Y%. The epicentre is located at the very centre of the building. The scale of the epicentre is very small since i want to convey the concept of extreme flamable explosion where the epicentre doesn't produce as much energy as the flame blasted outwards.

Task 2 Week 3

Cactus Building Mass: 100587897.11 kg


58% Remain: 58390970.684 kg

Solidworks model: 58391030.58 kg


33% Remain: 33194006.0406 kg

Solidworks Model: 33193973.04 kg

Task 2 Week 2

Cactus Building

Solidworks Practice Exercise

Task 2 Week 1


Revolves and Sweeps
