Sunday, September 9, 2007

UT2004 Screen Shots

Steven Hawkins place gives a very depressing feeling, building parts are been pushed downwards towards a imaginary Black Hole.

Black Hole sucks in everything!

Narrow Winding Tunnels Symbolizes Steven Hawkins Abilities, Study of Universe. Good at Black Hole Theory. No stairs or gaps because he can't walk. Easy access everywhere.

Place where Steven Hawkins and Charles Darwin meet. A very important moment in history represented by red and warm lights.

Charles Darwin's Place is very simple compared to Steven Hawkins depressing Black Hole. Although both of their theories were very controversial, but Darwin's findings about human race were better accepted because he had concrete (texture ) evidence of how human evolved from ape many years ago while Hawkin's Black Hole Theory was mostly based on hypothesis. Therefore Darwins Place has only a clear cut out which symbolizes his victory in his findings, not doubt about it.



Kai said...

Hey Stephen,
I like the way you have used light, shadow, colour, and the arrangement of volumes to create a depressing and unique workspace for Stephen Hawking. The use of ramps for access in Hawking's space also shows that you have considered the needs of the client. However, Darwin's workspace seems to be very small and insufficient as compared to Hawking's space, although your concept of it being simple and 'concrete' is a good idea. There's also an issue with where the meeting space is.. I did not know where it was. All in all, I think your Hawking space is very well done, and throughout the model you have proportioned all the elements well, and with more development time, the other spaces would have been just as successful.


Kai said...

Sorry, after reading your captions again, found the meeting space.. I think it is a little too small and also hard to access, but again, you have an interesting concept behind it.